Wednesday, March 13, 2013

She Won't Be a Puppy Forever.

Hey friends!

It has been a busy time for Brian & I!  After a nice trip back to Rochester, I came home and it was time to pick up our puppy Molly!!  She is a 9 week old Australian Shepherd and is completely adorable.

We've had her here at home with us for 5 days now, and I keep finding myself saying:

She won't be a puppy forever.

Sometimes I say it to encourage myself:

The night she got me up every hour and a half insisting that she needed to go out?  And the following exhausted day with her?  She won't be a puppy forever!

The potty mistakes??  She won't be a puppy forever!

The constant "No Molly!"...  She won't be a puppy forever!

When she tore my jeans this afternoon??  ...  She won't be a puppy forever!

Other times, I say it with some sadness:

When I kiss her sweet little head covered in that soft puppy fur?  She won't be a puppy forever.

When she sits in my lap and cuddles up?  She won't be a puppy forever.

That awkward puppy walk, or her cute excited gallops?  She won't be a puppy forever.

When she is eating dinner, and sits her butt down right in her water bowl?  She won't be a puppy forever.


I really do love her.

There are moments where I find myself wishing away her puppy-ness, but I am trying to hold onto all those moments when she is being my sweet fluffy little buddy.  Because the reality?  She won't be a puppy forever.  In fact, puppies don't stay puppies all that long. and before we know it she will be all grown up!

1 comment:

  1. Change the word puppy to baby and I'm not sure how I did it. Twice! Pretty soon, you'll be wondering what the pain was all about! Love you guys!
