Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sneezing in the South

Today as I was leaving the grocery store I sneezed.  This is pretty normal; I usually get a sun sneeze when I walk out into the sunlight.  What made this particular sneeze different was that everyone in the parking lot turned and said "God bless you!" ...  No joke.  All 5 of my fellow shoppers said it.

I had 2 thoughts:

1.  I am not an especially delicate sneeze-er.  I am not dainty or cute when I sneeze; I am loud and squeaky.  Once, when I was in High School, I was babysitting, and the kid said "you sneeze like Pikachu," which I think to an 8-year-old boy is a good thing?  But I think most audiences do not necessarily think that highly of my sneezes.

2.  I am living in the South (it's true, I checked!)

My experience has been, the further south you travel, the more polite people are.  When Brian was living in South Carolina the people there were almost sickly-sweet; I was forever being called "hon," and "darlin'."

I know a whole lot of nice people in New York; most people up there are pretty polite.  And I try to be courteous; I say please & thank you.  I call my dad "sir", and women I don't know "ma'am."

But even though I have pretty good manners, I just don't think my politeness is any match for a Southerner.  In the last couple weeks, I have been surprised frequently by how darn polite everyone is; it is kind of disarming actually.

I would say most people here seem genuinely kind and courteous.  But every once in awhile, the politeness has a ring of dishonesty to it...  Like the expression "bless her heart," which I am fairly certain is a nice way of saying someone is completely ridiculous or entirely stupid.  "Did you hear that girl sneeze?  What a racket; bless her heart."

So.  Even if I am not as polite as the rest of the south...  I am just going to be as courteous as any Yankee can be, and I am going to be genuine when I do it ;-)

So.  Those were my thoughts.  Other thoughts/updates:

  • It is kind of weird to think I am living in a state that was part of the Confederacy.  
  • I baked some peanut butter/oatmeal/chocolate chip cookies this morning.  And they are awesome.  If you come over, I will give you some.
  • This weekend Brian & I have a party to go to with the other officers from his boat.  I am 10% excited and 90% nervous.
  • If all goes according to plan, I will be back in Rochester this time next week; Brian will be doing Navy things...  I have such conflicted emotions.  I am going to miss my husband like crazy.  But I am also excited to see all the people I miss.  And also excited to see my cat.  

That's it.  I need to get started writing thank-you notes; I have avoided it for as long as possible :-)  


  1. Odd since I have such a delicate sneeze.

  2. Yes, but do you stop to sneeze or are you a walker/sneezer. I am practicing this.
